The 5 Most Common CV Mistakes

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Your CV can make or break a job application. Tanya Roxburgh, a Digital Recruitment Specialist at Ground Recruitment, has seen all the CV blunders in the book. Here’s her guide to the most common.

  • Not checking for typos

Always use spell-check and also read through your CV carefully.

  • Not getting someone else to check it too

Get a second pair of eyes (it can be a friend or family member) to look for spelling mistakes, spot grammar issues, and check it makes sense to them.

  • Not making it ‘idiot proof’

Your CV should make sense to someone outside your industry – or even your grandma. So explain who ‘Joe Bloggs Ltd’ are and what you did there.

  • Making it too wordy

Too many words in your CV, and people won’t read it. Use short, descriptive sentences and bullet points.

  • Worrying about the number of pages

If you have a long career or lots of experience, it’s okay for your CV to go onto three pages – provided it covers everything you do in a succinct way. Your CV is your first step to an interview, and needs to tell potential employers who you are.

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